Volunteer Appreciation Event

      I work at the non-profit organization which helps people to improve their low reading and writing  abilities, to get GED diplomas, and also to learn English for those who don't speak English. This program involves tutors who come and work with our students as volunteers. All of them donate their own time and energy to make people's lives better, to help them get back on track and to give them a chance for good changes.

      Honestly, I am very proud to be a part of this organization... There is something there that makes me feel that we all have a chance to survive all the craziness in the world until we have some people who really try to make a difference in our society. Our volunteers share the most valuable thing with the students - their own time!

     And today we had a Volunteer Appreciation event, when all our staff got together to show our deep appreciation and respect to everyone who knocked at our door and offered his/her help. It is one of my favorite events at our school.

      Evgeny was the photographer that night and I took advantage of him and had a quick photo shoot for my blog. We didn't have enough time and lightning wasn't the best, but I decided to make a post anyway. It is something I want to save on pages on my blog...

Sweater - Express, Culottes - Anthropologie, Shoes - Michael Kors,
Earrings - TJMaxx

Photos by Evgeny Verivski 


  1. Tatiana, Thank you for this great gift today--seeing all of you looking so happy. Your words also make me happy--such a lovely description of the literacy council. Good job, all of you.

    1. I was thinking about you that night.. You opened me "that door", Madeline, and I will never forget about it! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me!

  2. Fantastic. The world needs more purple like all of you!

  3. Hi Tatiana, I used to work for NFO and know very well how rewarding volunteering job can be. You look really chic even despite the fact that the lighting was not perfect :). Like the detailing on the sleeves

    1. Anna, thank you so much! Our volunteers are amazing people!


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